NYSUT Solidarity Grant

In November, HWFA was awarded an $18,000 Solidarity Grant from NYSUT.  The grant is intended to help build capacity in locals for future political action and internal union work. Solidarity Grant funds are intended to supplement a local’s existing contribution to the effort. We are seeking to expand our visibility, access, communication, and engagement internally within HWFA and externally, with NYSUT locals, other labor organizations, and in the greater Hewlett-Woodmere community. With the funds, we have created a professional website to increase member engagement and give our members quick access to important information and direct links. In addition to our current social media sites, the website will serve as a vessel for our continued brand building as well as a place to share upcoming events including HWFA/PTA collaborative work.

We have designed and purchased new t-shirts for our 300 members. These shirts proudly display our new grant-funded logo and the Fix Tier 6 logo, which we wear in solidarity with public employees throughout the state. As part of our collaboration with PTA we created a solidarity car magnet to be distributed with our joint mission statement. In conjunction with NYSUT, HWFA’s Solidarity & Organizing Committee has begun the process of forming our first Making Strides team. All district staff, community members, and of course students, will be invited to join in our efforts to raise money to support breast cancer patients, survivors, thrivers, and caregivers. The Long Beach walk is on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20, 2024. Save the date! We will be actively involved in community engagement throughout the school budget vote process, working to make sure our school district can maintain the programs and services our students and members deserve.



Leslie Rose (OE)


Karen Gorelin(OE)

Christine Kufta (HE)

Brenna Leighton(MS)

Scott Gordon (HS)

Mindy Albenda(FECC)