HWFA Committees

Solidarity & Organizing Committee

This committee is tasked with working to help build solidarity both internally as a collective unit, and advance our interests in the community and the larger political world.  

  • Creating more opportunities for members to connect by making our meetings and social events more informative and accessible 
  • Continue our long term brand building plan within our social media feeds, in our new website and newsletter, hwfa-teachers.org
  • Designing and creating content for hwfa-teacher.org
  • Educating members regarding opportunities and union business; Member Benefits, Union training, NYSUT Committees, Upcoming Dates. Important Dates, Forms, Committee Work, Highlighting members’ unique achievements, etc
  • Keeping members informed of and involved with political causes such as Fix Tier 6 and Foundation Aid. 
    Building support to attend events
  • Keep our building bulletin boards and current and relevant.
  • Expand HWFA brand building with member t-shirts displaying HWFA’s new logo and Fix Tier 6 logo. 
  • Revamped swag store with a large variety of selections
  • Strengthening our relationships and communication with our PTAs and other community groups. 
  • Create and organize a comprehensive campaign to help support the budget passing and help elect candidates that support our schools, our students, and us. 

Finance & Operations Committee

This is the group that will manage the internal business necessary to let us do what we do:

  • Reconciliation of statements and management of our various bank accounts 
  • Manage our payroll, federal and state taxes, phone and other bills, 
  • Oversee financial audits, insurance, NYSUT membership records and work with our accounting firm

Contract & Personnel Committee

This committee is in charge of and everything and anything related to terms and conditions of our employment, including but not limited to:

  • enforcement of the terms of our contract
  • initiating grievances over improper labor practices 
  • working with teachers when there are attendance concerns 
  • working with our NYSUT rep on these types of matters