Union Training Opportunities

Union Leadership Attendees
HWFA members who have attended union training:


  • Beth Wagner
  • Kaitlin Coder
  • Joanna Krul
  • Mickey Parris
  • Ric Stark
  • Steve Krieger


  • Brenna Leighton
  • Joann Brown


  • Caryn Bachar
  • Leslie Rose
  • Jodie Hetzler

Whether you’re considering a union leadership role or perhaps you simply want to learn more about a specific area, no matter your level of involvement, there is something for you! In leadership roles, training is essential to help you improve your ability to serve our members.


How does union leadership training make us stronger?

Training is critical because of the wide variety of roles our union plays in the woking lives of our members.

What training is available for leadership positions?

  • Use of social media, when and how to target messages, and “branding” your local
  • Building Rep 1
  • Building Rep 2
  • Collective Bargaining- Rights and Responsibilities
  • Fix Tier 6 Workshop
  • Managing Union Finances
  • Grievance Training
  • VOTE/COPE and political action training
  • Board/Budget Election Workshops
  • New Presidents Workshop
  • New RA Delegate Training
  • Certification Workshop
  • How to Form a Union-Led DEI Committee
  • Take a Look At Teaching
  • Different Ships, Same Boat:  Race, Education, and Unionism on Long Island
  • Sticks & Stones - Implicit Bias Training
  • RISE -  Supporting Professionals and Students through Mindfulness
  • Safe Zones
  • Reversing Runaway Inequality
  • BIPOC Pathways to Leadership

What types of training require a team of HWFA members?

LAP (Local Action Project) - A three-year commitment to union summer school one week per year with a large group project at the center. HWFA has never sent a team to LAP!  Interested? Let us know!

Nassau Leadership Conference - Nassau Leadership is one weekend a year. Topics vary. HWFA has been sending a team since 2019.

Social Justice Academy -  Locals come together for a 3 day session in March and 4 day session in July to engage in conversation, community building, and reflection that shifts power and promotes social and racial justice within our schools, locals, and communities. The Social Justice Academy began in 2023.

Take a peek at this year’s Nassau Spring Leadership Conference. April 12 - 14, Tarrytown House Estate. HWFA has been sending a team since 2019!

Track 1 – Building Your Local’s Communications Skills (This track includes internal communications with members, external communications with the community and other groups, use of social media, when and how to target messages, and “branding” your local.)
Track 2 – Negotiations (This track includes how to select a bargaining team and determine what their roles should be at the table and away from the table, how the collective bargaining process works, current trends in bargaining, developing and costing out proposals, the role of rank-and-file members, and how to use data effectively.)
Track 3 – Union Building Blocks (This track includes developing an effective governance structure, review of your Constitution and Bylaws, development of a local policy manual, creating a new union rep handbook, how to engage your members in the union, and how to run effective meetings.

Track 4 – Leadership Development (This track includes leadership styles and traits of effective leaders, understanding your member, identification, recruitment, and development of new leaders, how to navigate the differences between various constituency groups within your union, delegating responsibility, succession planning and mentoring the next generation of leaders.)
Track 5 – Laws, Regulations, Policies, and Contract Language (This track will explore how to understand, interpret, and apply laws, regulations, and contract language, understanding various legal policies and processes, e.g., FMLA, 913 examinations, etc., how to push back against violations of your members’/union’s contractual or statutory rights using member organizing, grievances and arbitration, PERB/NLRB, or other forums for issue resolution.)