Hewlett-Woodmere Faculty Association

We represent...

Hewlett-Woodmere Faculty Association is a member local of NYSUT, AFT, NEA, and the AFL-CIO.

We represent the teachers of the Hewlett-Woodmere School District. Our members teach at George W. Hewlett High School, Woodmere Middle School, Hewlett Elementary School, Ogden Elementary School, Franklin Early Childhood Center, and non-public schools.

Our Former Presidents


  • 1938: Arleen [sic] Griswold* - Woodmere HS (Geometry)
  • 1950-51: Eugenie Plank* - (?)
  • 1951-52: Harrison Otis* - Woodmere JHS (Social Studies)
  • 1953-65: UNKNOWN
  • 1965-66: Bob Bartlett - HHS (Industrial Arts)
  • 1966-67: Barney Dugan - Hewlett Elem. (Phys. Ed.)
  • 1967-68: Al Leiman - (?)
  • 1968-69: Everson Kinn - HHS (Social Studies)
  • 1969-70: Thelma Patel - Woodmere Elem.
  • 1970-71: Pauline Grande - Ogden Elem. Phys. Ed
  • 1971-72: Adele Hudis - Junior High South
  • 1972-74: Phyllis Teitelbaum - Junior High South - Home Ec.
  • 1974-76: Allan Greene - WJHN (when president)
  • 1976-77: Ed Mayhugh - HHS (Social Studies)
  • 1977-79: Rick Mann - First term: WJHN (English)
  • 1979-80: Barbara Kelly Shickel - HHS (Business Ed.)
  • 1980-81: Hugh Grey - HHS (Social Studies)
  • 1981-96: Rick Mann** - Second term: HHS (English/Modern Drama); WMS in 1985-86    
  • 1996-98: Shelly Kurzweil - WMS (Science)
  • 1998-2010: Joan Skowronek - WMS (Science/Health)
  • 2010-2024: Ric Stark - HHS (Science)

*President of what was then called the Woodmere-Hewlett Teachers Association

**Barbara Kelly Shickel elected, 5/81; resigned 7/81.  Vice President Gabe Couture (HHS, Science) served as Acting President for 2 weeks in 9/81 until Rick Mann was elected to second term.