NYSUT President Melinda Person released the following statement Wednesday after the state Senate and Assembly both passed a bill to fix the state’s flawed Annual Professional Performance Review (APPR) system.

The legislation, drafted by the New York State Educational Conference Board, creates a new system for measuring teacher and principal accountability that focuses on professional development and support.

"We thank our allies in both chambers for overwhelmingly passing bipartisan legislation that would return teacher and principal evaluations to local control.

This has been a decade-long fight, and we are relieved to see it near the finish line. It would not have been possible without the tireless advocacy of our members, our legislative supporters and our statewide education partners.

This is a win for students, educators and communities, because it will allow instruction to focus on a love of teaching and learning, and it will treat our educators like the professionals they are.

We look forward to the governor swiftly signing this important bill that will allow the focus in our classrooms to be on what matters most: the essential work of educating the next generation."




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